
Happy 2020!

Welcome back!  We hope you had a wonderful holiday and wish you good health, and...

St John XXIII CES Christmas Concert a HUGE SUCCESS!

Wow!  Our students and staff were just amazing as they performed skits, sang songs and...

Shiny Sparkly Shimmery Day at St. John XXIII CES was today….tomorrow is….

Don’t forget everyone….tomorrow you can wear Christmas sweaters, tops, colours…let’s see how many of us...

Sparkly, Shiny, Shimmery Day

It was fantastic to see so many students and staff sparkling and showing their shiny...

Parent Community Joins in on the Fun!

We were very excited to see some of our parents joined in on the fun...

Building Christmas Spirit

As part of our spirit building campagne, we are enjoying some theme days.  Monday was...