Category: General

St. John XXIII School Community Remembers….

Our Remembrance Celebration was held on Monday, November 11th.  We began with a special announcement, special prayers, and poems.  Each class brought a wreath to the front foyer.  Then this was followed by two minute of silence.  Teachers then had the students watch Terry Kelly’s video called, ‘Pittance of Time’ and deconstructed the meaning behind the video and the day itself.  It was a beautiful ... Continue reading "St. John XXIII School Community Remembers…."

Winner of the Chromebook

Thank you to all the generous families who donated money to our CSC for our students.  They raised $8595.  For every $25 donation a student brought in, their name was placed in the draw to win a 15inch chromebook.  We are very excited to share that Dimitri won the Chromebook and was very happy.  Mrs. Notarfonzo’s class won the movie and popcorn as the class ... Continue reading "Winner of the Chromebook"

Fun Activities & Winners

Many students participated in various activities throughout the day.  These two boys were great at guessing the number of candies in the jar!  They won and got to take the candy home!