Category: General

YCDSB’s Multi-Year Financial Recovery Plan

Dear York Catholic District School Board Families,

The Board of Trustees and Senior Team are dedicated to the sound financial management of the money entrusted to us by the public. Unfortunately, the York Catholic DSB has faced several financial challenges in recent years, including declining school enrolment in our elementary schools, inadequate funding for special education, and rising transportation and IT infrastructure costs. ... Continue reading "YCDSB’s Multi-Year Financial Recovery Plan"

French Immersion Information Night

St. John XXIII will be hosting an information session for all parents of Year 2 (SK) students about our French Immersion Program which begins in Grade 1. The Info Night will be on Tuesday, November 26 at 7pm in our school library. Please note, that all students, including those currently students at St. John XXIII, must apply in order to be admitted into the program. ... Continue reading "French Immersion Information Night"

Math Tips for Parents!

The YCDSB Curriculum and Assessment Department has created the third of an ongoing bi-annual newsletter for families highlighting resources, tips, and activities that can be used at home to promote mathematics learning and facilitate mathematics discussions between students and parents/guardians.


Please see the attached pamphlets: one for families of elementary school students and one for families of ... Continue reading "Math Tips for Parents!"